Auction Pass![](True-I3.jpg)
We have
partnered with
several auto
dealers across
the nation to
provide you with
vehicles at and
sometimes even
below auction
price. How can
we do this? It's
Each dealer
across the
nation has a
used car
inventory "Turn
Policy" meaning
they must sell a
vehicle by a
certain time.
This policy
usually reads ,
“Any vehicle
that reaches 90
days must go.”
Nowadays, given
the current high
cost to acquire
cars, price
costs, etc.
dealers are
forced to sell
faster than they
used to. Today
the average
dealer turns or
refreshes their
inventory about
every 45 days.
The TRUEinvoice on a
used vehicle
would be what
the dealer paid
for it at
auction +/-
or recondition
fees. These are
cost you would
have to pay
yourself if you
physically went
the the auction.
Auction fees are
transport fees
(depending on
market) and
fees vary.
Typically all
used car
departments have
safety checks.
If a car needs
windshield etc.
they fix it as
soon as the unit
comes in. A used
car department
in a franchised
dealership may
spend $500.00 up
to $2,000.00 to
make the car
like new again.
After the car
inspection and
gets a full
detail they put
it on the lot
this is called
Ready". Here it
sits and waits
for you to sit
in and drive
The longer that
unit sits on the
lot the more it
will cost the
dealer. Besides
all the fees
above, there are
the bank fees.
90% of all
dealerships have
a floor plan.
The dealer pays
interest to the
bank on the
vehicle and
usually has a
deal worked out
with the bank
that allows the
dealer to keep
the car for 60 -
90 days, paying
interest only.
What happens if
a dealer goes
over the
specified time
allotted by the
bank? Then the
dealer has to
pay the car
completely off.
In other words
the bank holds
the title and if
the dealer goes
beyond the
agreement he
must pay the
bank what the
loan value is
plus interest
and more fees.